sassy little punkin's fancypants
the cherry on the cake of life

yeah, so this is my second blog. my mini-blog. my short and sweet blog. things i want to say, but not on the main blog. sometimes they are cute things. sometimes they are stupid.
but, just as things are on my "real" blog, what i say here is purely and unapologetically me.

so there.

fancy pants: shiny bits and random pieces from the famous
sassy little punkin

e-mail the sassylittlepunkin


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Tuesday, September 30, 2003

ok, who put the sign on my forehead?

would someone please tell me why it is that every time i use the computer lab in the library at school some random person comes up to me and asks me for help with the english language? i've had to read over someone's intro paragraph to check for clarity (it was hopeless) and today i had to help this old asian guy find ma'am in the dictionary, because "when i write wrong they laugh at me." so who put the sign on my forehead that says: "i want to help you with your english language problems"? sheesh. can't you see i'm busy here? i have blogs to read, for crying out loud!

3:42 PM

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

and how is it you propose i do that?

funniest spam/bulk email sent to one of my yahoo accounts:

"make money in your underwear"

that just opens the door to a world of possibilities.

6:42 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2003

status: precarious

i am broke beyond words. i am tired. i am depressed, possibly chemically/clinically. i am lonely but content to be alone. i have ambitions that must take a backseat to obligations. i can't afford my car, my phone, my rent. i can't seem to get any help from the people at financial aid, or my father. my father lets me down time and time again, and i hate having to stoop to the level of relying on him for help. i am sick of the struggle. i am sad. very sad. i am frustrated. stressed. scattered. scared. angry. uncertain. poor. confused. feeling undeserving of many things. beholden to many. unable to take care of myself. not proud of things that i can't go back and change. willing but unable to fix things in my life. sorry. worried i might not be strong enough. in a state of flux between panic of reality and a state of denial. lost in a past that wasn't mine. looking for the future.

2:38 PM

Sunday, August 10, 2003


still cunnilingus say antohrerw word wallpapwer wait no nape aditronsak 1966
never blog drunk
don't fall asleep
i'm not asleep oooooh.
you're a fuckin train wtreck just like me

12:46 AM

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

i'm feeling mean and spiteful

found some embarrassing photos of my ex online. (hey, he googles me, i can google him!) and, no, i didn't date a real game show host. glad to see he's been hitting that gym hard since we broke up. ahem. wink, wink.

can you believe i had the best sex of my life with him? what a strange world we live in.

yes, i know, this post is in poor taste. sigh. oh well. sometimes life is rough.

maybe i should post this over at enemyster, too.... hmmm...

7:29 PM

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

the awful truth

if someone actually stopped and asked me "so, do you just sit around all day watching katharine hepburn movies?", i pretty much would have to say "yes." but would add, "i'm reading books about her, too."

7:54 PM

Sunday, July 27, 2003

one of these days...

i'm going to get up early, and work out. then eat a healthy breakfast. then get a whole bunch of work done. and all the while my entire living space will be clean and tidy. and then, once my work is done, i will enjoy pleasant social interaction with any of a number of friends who are all completely satisfied with our friendship. and if i'm lucky, i'll get to go to bed with a guy who actually wants to be dating me!

i believe in miracles...but none of that is happening today.

9:44 AM